Cola H. speaks on EP117 of TLOY Talks

Cola H. speaks on EP117 of TLOY Talks
Read More2025 is the year we unlock the hard drive.
I mean that wholeheartedly. I literally have thousands of tracks, beats, audio experiments that span across 2 decades… It’s wild to think that I’ve been making music as long as a sophomore college student has been alive. But this year, I’ll be releasing a lot… Welcome to Cola’s Archive (subscribe, will ya?!) The Youtube will be low effort, but I’m gonna do my best to keep it going consistently throughout the year.
HOW WE GOT HERE: My brother Clairmont The Second has been there my entire musical journey. With someone who has his amount of success, it’s still wild to see that he looks at me as inspiration. He has copies of these beats that he’s been listening to for a long time… he literally put this collection together and classified the sounds by colour.
We agreed that if I didn’t take the first step and release this, he would… and he did. So Now I’m making it all available to you only on BANDCAMP for now (follow me there). Maybe down the line, I’ll attach it to streaming, but for now, I’m just sharing the vibe… Think of it as my “Donuts”. Tasty loops for y’all vibe to.
And please, if you’re able, show love on Bandcamp. Even a dollar goes a longer way than you think.
Much Love & more to come,
I’m Only Human (Drum Cover) on Tik Tok
I think I'll start making these more. Loved drumming along to this song by my fav production duo Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis… It even got me a follow from Jimmy Jam, himself on Instagram!
Human - The Human League
Watch it now for however long it’ll last on TikTok!
I wish I had more time to do more of these. Send me a genie. And what songs I do next.
I'm truly honoured to be apart of this project. As Sound Designer, I was tasked with creating the audible world in which this important story takes place….
Read MoreSound Reel snippets of assets from Program Sound FM. Sounds/Station IDs/Music by Colanthony Humphrey (other than the ukulele)
Like any artist, you never know where your talents are going to take you. Fortunately, music has given me some of the coolest opportunities imaginable. I’ve been pretty quiet about it, but I was given the task of Sound Designer for this awesome and unique project, Program Sound where 5 hosts take you through 5 radio programs filled with stories from all over; actors, writers, storytellers, poets, musicians, journalists…
As Sound Designer, I was tasked with ads, station IDs, stingers, lending support to the hosts for the sound effects and scoring. I’m proud of the work I did here and I’m proud of the hosts, and contributors to this project.
Everyday until June 25th, tune in and listen live at and see below for the weekend schedule.
A special shout out to Francesca Nocera (SUN SUN) for the amazing visuals to accompany the sound.
And once again, a heartfelt thank you to the amazing Bahia Watson and Lucy Rose Coren for this really cool opportunity.
Broadcast Schedule for Program Sound FM
New Press Shot. New outlook on life. And a lot of new stuff on the way.
I can’t believe #TheCrusade2022 was just 3 months ago. The OBGMs had done over 60 shows last year in over 10 countries and we couldn’t be more grateful. Here’s a fun drum highlight.
We’re back in the lab creating the next project and cannot wait to get back on the road.
Drum cam of @TheOBGMs live in Utrecht Netherlands
It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, but it’s because things have been busy. The OBGMs have been on tour for the past month with PUP and it could not have gone better! We made new friends, new fans, and are now gearing up to do it again across North America with Death From Above 1979 and then across Europe with Frank Carter and The Rattlesnakes!
New Tunes coming in hot from Cola H. and The OBGMs
Read MoreSUPER EXCITED to get back on the road with my band The OBGMs and some good friends of ours NOBRO who have been absolutely killing it, playing arenas and tons of crazy festivals!
6/16 - SAW Club
6/17 - Foufounes Electrique
6/18 - Mansion
6/23 - Rum Runners
6/24 - Bridgeworks
6/25 - Lee’s Palace
#stayrad #nobro #theobgms #gangshit #tour #music #punk #rockandroll #stayradtour
What’s really crazy is that this is only a few of the playlists that my single’s Switchblade and I Don’t Wanna Hang have made. ANTI POP is also another playlist I’ve been on for a while. I’m so thankful.
Artists generally resist the impulse to share their music… but if this ain’t motivation, nothing is. I’m glad it’s getting around. Excited to release more music.
“I DON’T WANNA HANG” - Out Now, wherever you get music
My last song release for the year. It’s been a wild 2021, and I’m just happy that I can release music.
A song about progression past the fraudulent, the fake and the stagnant. Bump this all winter.
Dedicate this one to Malcolm- always progressing… Onward to a better 2022.
Hard stepping swag rap.
#swag #rap #detroitred #x #tailored #switchblade #skyman #roadman #runningman #highart #hiphop
On Instagram, I asked people what they’re listening to. Click the pic/see below to get the Spotify playlist.
If enough people ask, I will make this playlist on Apple and Amazon Music as well. Lemme know.
What do y’all think of the playlist? Gimme thoughts… did you hear something new you really like? gimme thoughts. IF people really love this, I’ll update every month.
Excited to be releasing music again. HERE. WE. GO.
Just something to wet the palette before we leave summer with a bang.
Wow, look at that.
Read MoreMy band The OBGMs have been nominated for a Polaris Prize!
My brother, client and collaborator Clairmont The Second has also been nominated for the 4th time!
Very cool. A family affair. Being that I was involved in both, looks like I shot 2 for 2. Great odds.
Thank you Polaris!
I usually don’t dig the awards thing; for those who are in the industry, there’s a ton of politics, and even when the numbers are there, there’s a ton of favours to be owed, payola, scratching backs, etc. that can’t be competed with.
Polaris operates on artistic merit. That’s what I’ve always dug about them.
It’s cool to be recognized. Thanks you.